Archived Articles – Latest article at the top of the column

ARCHIVED ARTICLES – Updated 17 November 2024


There is a link to the Officials Rules of Baseball (OBR) 2024 as a PDF file under Resources in the menu above.
f you need to know how to access bookmarks in Adobe PDF Reader, please have a look at this video: ACCESS BOOKSMARKS in ADOBE PDF
If you open PDF files in Chrome, you can access bookmarks via the three horizontal lines next to the documents title and then select the bottom item “Document Properties”.

SABSA GameChanger Training

Starting Wednesday 6:00pm 16th October at Adelaide Baseball Club. Anyone wishing to learn how to score using the GameChanger app should attend.

Little League Rule Book App

The Rulebook app contains the Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies for all divisions of Baseball, Softball, and Challenger in one location. The app includes all three rulebooks, exclusive rule interpretation videos, automatic updates for future seasons and is approved for use in the dugout! Download the FREE Rulebook app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

BSA Div 1 Live Scoring Links

Follow the 2024-25 Men & Women Div 1 games by selecting the links under the “Stat & Live Games” in the menu above.

SABSA Scoring Clinics

SABSA will be holding a series of scoring clinics for all levels of experience.
Level O (Orientation) and Level 1 – Clinic will be held starting Monday 9th September at 6.30pm at Woodville Baseball Club, Drummond Avenue, Findon Any queries please contact Jo 0414 725 970 or Enza 0402 400 033 or Email Trainer
Level 2 – starting Wednesday 18th September from 6-8pm at the Glenelg Baseball Club.
Contact Level 2 Trainer
Zoom query? Email Steve.

Carol Burns – SABSA Life Member

SABSA President, Michael Phillips presented Carol with SABSA Life Membership at the 2024 AGM.

President Michael Philips with new Life Member Carol Burns

Congratulations Carol Burns on becoming SABSA Life Member. Carol has spent a decade of dedicated service as SABSA Treasurer. Her contributions to the sport include being honoured as Scorer of the Year, scoring for both youth boys and youth womens, and working with teams like Giants/ Bite using both traditional book methods and computer systems. Carol also shares her expertise by running scoring clinics. She is a long-time scorer for Division 1 as well as other Divisions for Sturt. Her commitment to progress is evident in her willingness to learn new systems such as Stat Crew , MLB game day and Game Changer. Carol also scored at other clubs to help out other scorers.

Stats Change

You may have noticed that the format for our Division 1 Men and Woman stats has changed since the 2020 season. SABSA moved away from our longstanding program The Automated Scorebook for Baseball (TASBS) and began using Dick’s Sporting Goods “GameChanger.” Stats are maintained on the GameChanger website (available by subscription) and SABSA has little control over the format. We have tried to make the full stats available via Excel files which may be downloaded as indicated in the menu links.

Do You Want To Change The Rules?

From Tuesday, April 16th to Sunday, May 5th, Baseball SA is opening its doors to your input!
We are inviting all members of the Baseball SA community to submit their suggestions for new rules, modifications to existing rules, or even the removal of outdated ones. Your ideas will be carefully reviewed by our dedicated By-Law Committee.
If you’ve ever found yourself thinking, “wouldn’t it be great if…” or “I wish they would change…” now’s your chance to make your vice heard.

To submit your ideas, simply click on the image below to go the the BaseballSA FB page for instructions. There is no limit of how many suggestions you can submit.

By-Laws or Local Playing Rules - Suggested Change Proposals

Scorers Wanted for SA Winterball Association

SA Winter Baseball Association is looking for scorers for the 2024 season which starts Saturday April 27th at Sturt Baseball Club.
It is a great opportunity to get more experience scoring in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The players are very appreciative!
The games are on Saturdays at 9:30am, 11:30am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm and run for 100 minutes only.
If you’re not sure you have sufficient experience, grab a mate and score together!

If you can help out, please contact SABSA at or via our contact form on the website:  

Nominations for Scorers (Women / Men) of the Year Now Closed (Feb 2024)

SABSA members have been contacted to suubmit their vote on the nominations for both Men and Women’s competition Scorer of the Year. Voting concludes on 23rd February.

Congratulations to the Giants. All the info here!

Link to ABL Standings Click here to go to SofaScore ABL Standings
GameChanger Games: Womens League DIV-1 Mens League DIV-1

Scorers Required for Country Championships (2024)

Greg Bradshaw, Secretary of the SA Country Baseball Association Inc. has put out a call for scorers for the Country Championships which are being held at Glenelg Baseball Club during the October long weekend – Saturday, 30th Sept to Monday 2nd October.
There is likely to be 6-7 games on the Saturday, 7 games on Sunday and 3 games on Monday.
The draw will be confirmed next week.
This is a great opportunity to get back into action scoring baseball or to try your hand for the first time! Food and drinks vouchers will be available!
If you are interested, please contact Cathy Hill, V.P. SABSA at: Country Championships Scoring Enquiry

Great Response for Scoring ClinicsEOI’s still being assessed as of 27th August – more info soon! (2023)

SABSA has received over 50 Expressions of Interest for baseball scoring training. Our priority will be organising suitable pre-season clinics for candidates with little or no previous training. Accredted scorers looking to advance their skills and recognition will likely be accommodated after the season starts. All who submitted EOI’s for scoring training will be contacted.

Should I award an Error or a Hit?

SABSA has had some enquiries regarding how the determine the awarding of a hit or an error on a batter’s play. This decision is based on whether or not an out on the batter could have been made with “ordinary effort” by the fielder. Not sure what ‘ordinary effort” is? Check out this article for a definitive guide: Ordinary Effort


Nationally Accredited scorers from various South Australian clubs will soon be offering training for scorers in various venues. Training may also be available via Zoom. Training will be tailored for all levels from novice to Level 3 aspirants including GameChanger Teams.
Expressions of Interest (EOI) closed 1st August.
Those who submitted EOI’s will be contacted once clinics are determined.


Carol, Enza and Michael scored the double-header of the series. Series won by the Giants 2 games to 1! Congratulations to all!

Enza, Carol and Steve still hoping to start the rain delayed 2nd game on Saturday night… But, alas. the game was Rain-Postponed to Sunday 29th Jan at 1:00pm as the first game of a double-header.

Lorraine, Karryn and Laura scoring the 1st game of the Semi-Final series with Geelong-Tuatara. (Giants won 5-3)


Michael Phillips, Enza Henty and Steve Eads had a great time scoring the exciting South West Division Title winning game against the strong pitching and defense of the Geelong-Korea team.

Giants’ Jordan McArdle hit a 2-RBI single in the bottom of the 8th innings to score the only runs of the game.


You can now view league, team or idividual stats or download an Excel file for Division 1 Men & Women and Super League Season stats in the Stats link above. Thanks to SABSA!


Congratulations to Pat Beatty, Anne Bradbrook and Lorraine Dunne, SABSA Life Members who were inducted in Baseball SA’s Inaugural Hall of Fame for their continuous and passionate impact on SA Baseball through excellence in scoring.

COMMUNITY PASS for GameChanger

Thanks to BSA for securing a community pass for this year’s Div 1 Men, Div 1 Women and Super League competitions.
To follow these competitions, use the links below.

DIV 1 MENDIV 1 WOMENSuper League


Peruse through our Level ‘O’ (for orientation) Module for the very basics of baseball scoring. Start here!


Check out the “”Stats & Live Games” link above to access the BSA 2022-23 season games. Many will be scored live.

SCORERS WANTED for Country Championships

The Country Championships on October 1-3 (a long weekend) are being held at Glenelg Baseball Club. This is a good chance to get some scornig in before the season starts. If you are interested in helping out, please Contact SABSA.

SABSA Incorporates

In order to ensure continued affiliation with Baseball South Australia (BSA), SABSA has adopted a new constitution (after 45 years!) and sought to incorporate under the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 Section 20(1).

SABSA was successful in our application and became an incorporated body on the 16 August 2022. (See certificate)

Scoring Clinics Currently Underway!

Training clinics for Basic Scoring, Accreditation Levels 1 and 2 and GameChanger are currently being held in by SABSA volunteers. To register your interest for future clinics please Contact SABSA.

Automatic Outs

Here is a concise statement covering everything you want to know about AO’s.

Scoring Clinics To be Held

Nationally Accredited scorers from various South Australian clubs will soon be offering training for scorers in various venues. Training may also be available via Zoom. Training will be tailored for all levels from novice to CABS Level 3 aspirants.

Expressions of Interest (EOI) closed 30th June.

Also, if you are a GameChanger enthusiast, please ensure that you undertake training so that you can score games properly according to the Official Rules of Baseball.

CABS offers two Accreditation Levels for GameChanger:

LEVEL GCR (GameChanger Recorder)
Demonstrate ability to input a game employing the GameChanger app.
At this level, you input the game as scored by the Official Accredited Scorer.

LEVEL GCS (GameChanger Scorer)
• Level 1 accreditation
• Competency in GameChanger

SABSA New Constitution Adopted

Members attending the June 8th AGM voted to adopt a new SABSA Constitution. The new Constitution and associated Regulations are available through the menu above under “About.”

SABSA Proposed Constitution

Members will be presented with a new SABSA Constitution to endorse at the June 2022 Annual General Meeting. Please read all relevant documents available here.

GameChanger Stats – what are all those abreviations?

There is a (rather exhaustive) list of all stats collected by GameChanger available under our “Resources/Study Guides/GameChanger Manual” menu. Or just click here!

Online Training Course for Scorers

Baseball Australia has launched a new learning platform to provide online education for coaches, scorers, and umpires. Please visit this BSA site for more information and the link to register and undertake the self-paced learning.

Guidelines for Time Limited Games

Please read the BSA Scorers’ Guidelines for Time Limited Games to ensure a consistent approach for all BSA games.

CABS Review 2020-21 !

Read CABS Coordinator Emeritus Connie Stoyakovich’s final Year in Review 2020-21 document.

SABSA Scores 6 Out of 6 !

SABSA President Michael Phillips reports that for the first time, all 6 BSA Division 1 games were scored live on Saturday 20th November. Well done to all who assisted.

If you have GameChanger skills and would like to contribute to South Australian baseball, please contact SABSA here.

Significant Changes to BSA Local Rules & Playing Conditions

All scorers need to be aware of the recent changes to the BSA Local Rules and Playing Conditions. There is a Summary of Changes under the ‘Resources/Forms’ menu above . As well, there are links to extracts for the Age Matrix, Pitch Count Rules and Pitching Rules.

The entire Local Rules & Playing Conditions document with changes highlighted in yellow is available on the BSA website here:  BSA Local Rules & Playing Conditions or if not accessible, on the SABSA website here: BSA Local Rules & Playing Conditions .

Download the updated SABSA Pitch Count Sheet.

Scoring Issues

41. 2022 AGM Revision Quiz

SABSA President Michael Phillips prepared this short quiz for our recent AGM to test our baseball scoring knowledge. Try it out yourself here. Once you have answered all the questions, check the answers available here.

40. Does the batter get a SAC Fly?

With 2 out and a runner on third base, the batter hits a deep fly ball to right field who drops the easy catch and the runner scores. Does the batter get a Sacrifice Fly?

No. Not with two out. That should have been the third out and no run would have scored. By the way, no RBI either as the run scored due to the right fielder’s error. Rule 9.08(d)(5) and 9.04(a)(1)

39. Out for failing to tag up after foul ball

On a foul ball (not caught) the ball is dead and the Umpire should not put the ball into play until all runners have tagged up after the foul. Rule 5.06(c)(5)

There is no out available (on appeal or by tagging the base) because the runner fails to tag up after a foul ball.

If a runner did not tag up after a foul and were to advance or score, the defense could appeal to the umpire that the ball was still dead and the runner should not have been allowed to advance. Lots of luck with that.

By the way, if a runner fails to tag up on a caught fly (fair or foul) and advances, and escapes detection or appeal, the runner cannot be out (tagged or on appeal) after the first following pitch, or any play or attempted play. Rule 5.09.(b)(5)

38. A little tricky …..

Two out, runner Abel on first base. Batter Baker hits a safe single to shortstop who throws wild to first base. Runner Abel goes to second base on the hit and then on to third base on the wild throw. Batter/runner Baker holds on first,

While Batter Charles is up, Baker on first steals second base. Charles hits double to left field, both runners score. Daniel strikes out.

Are the runs Earned or Unearned?

Seems straightforward. The error was only an Extra Base Error, so does not count as a chance for the third out which would have made both subsequent runs Unearned.

So are both runs Earned?

No. Baker was only able to steal second base because the Wild Throw Error allowed the front runner Abel to advance to third base. Abel should have ended the half innings on Third Base and only scored due to the wild throw error – an Unearned Run. Even without the error, the first run would have scored on the double safe hit – an Earned Run.

SCORERS WANTED for Country Championships

The Country Championships on October 1-3 (a long weekend) are being held at Glenelg Baseball Club. This is a good chance to get some scornig in before the season starts. If you are interested in helping out, please Contact SABSA.

SABSA Incorporates

In order to ensure continued affiliation with Baseball South Australia (BSA), SABSA has adopted a new constitution (after 45 years!) and sought to incorporate under the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 Section 20(1).

SABSA was successful in our application and became an incorporated body on the 16 August 2022. (See certificate)

Scoring Clinics Currently Underway!

Training clinics for Basic Scoring, Accreditation Levels 1 and 2 and GameChanger are currently being held in by SABSA volunteers. To register your interest for future clinics please Contact SABSA.

Automatic Outs

Here is a concise statement covering everything you want to know about AO’s.

Scoring Clinics To be Held

Scoring Clinics To be Held

Nationally Accredited scorers from various South Australian clubs will soon be offering training for scorers in various venues. Training may also be available via Zoom. Training will be tailored for all levels from novice to CABS Level 3 aspirants.

Expressions of Interest (EOI) closed 30th June.

Click here to Submit EOI for Scoring Clinic

Also, if you are a GameChanger enthusiast, please ensure that you undertake training so that you can score games properly according to the Official Rules of Baseball.

CABS offers two Accreditation Levels for GameChanger:

LEVEL GCR (GameChanger Recorder)
Demonstrate ability to input a game employing the GameChanger app.
At this level, you input the game as scored by the Official Accredited Scorer.

LEVEL GCS (GameChanger Scorer)
• Level 1 accreditation
• Competency in GameChanger

SABSA New Constitution Adopted

Members attending the June 8th AGM voted to adopt a new SABSA Constitution. The new Constitution and associated Regulations are available through the menu above under “About.”

SABSA Proposed Constitution

Members will be presented with a new SABSA Constitution to endorse at the June 2022 Annual General Meeting. Please read all relevant documents available here.

GameChanger Stats – what are all those abreviations?

There is a (rather exhaustive) list of all stats collected by GameChanger available under our “Resources/Study Guides/GameChanger Manual” menu. Or just click here!

Online Training Course for Scorers

Baseball Australia has launched a new learning platform to provide online education for coaches, scorers, and umpires. Please visit this BSA site for more information and the link to register and undertake the self-paced learning.

CABS Review 2020-21 !

Read CABS Coordinator Emeritus Connie Stoyakovich’s final Year in Review 2020-21 document.

SABSA Scores 6 Out of 6 !

SABSA President Michael Phillips reports that for the first time, all 6 BSA Division 1 games were scored live on Saturday 20th November. Well done to all who assisted.

If you have GameChanger skills and would like to contribute to South Australian baseball, please contact SABSA here.

Significant Changes to BSA Local Rules & Playing Conditions

All scorers need to be aware of the recent changes to the BSA Local Rules and Playing Conditions. There is a Summary of Changes under the ‘Resources/Forms’ menu above . As well, there are links to extracts for the Age Matrix, Pitch Count Rules and Pitching Rules.

The entire Local Rules & Playing Conditions document with changes highlighted in yellow is available on the BSA website here:  BSA Local Rules & Playing Conditions or if not accessible, on the SABSA website here: BSA Local Rules & Playing Conditions .

Download the updated SABSA Pitch Count Sheet.

How to Access BSA 2021-22 Online Games through GameChanger

If you do not have GameChanger follow the link below to get it. Enter your email address and create a password. This is FREE!

Access GameChanger

If you have GameChanger follow the link below to log in. Select the game you want to view, Click on the “STATS” tab the click the “FOLLOW TEAM” button. You will now be able to view “STATS”, “PLAYS” and “RECAP”. You will need to “FOLLOW” every team to see “STATS” for every game.

Access BSA Div 1 Games

BSA Men & Women’s Div 1 and Super League Games Online

Look for the links to the those games under the Stats & Live Games menu item above.

New CABS Level 4 for SA – Michael Phillips

Congratulations to SABSA President Michael Phillips on achieving Council of Australian Baseball Scorers (CABS) Level 4 National Accreditation – the highest level awarded by CABS.

Level 4 is accredited nationally by the CABS and recognises scorers aspiring to the highest level of national responsibilities including appointments to CABS, Scoring Coordinator of national and international tournaments and facilitation of all other levels of instruction.

Michael is now one of only three Level 4 SABSA Scorers along with Lorraine Dunn and Steve Eads.

Scoring Clinics To be Held

CABS Nationally Accredited scorers from various South Australian clubs will soon be offering training for scorers. Venues will include Golden Grove Central Districts, Goodwood and Woodville Baseball Clubs. Training will also be available via Zoom. Training will be tailored for all levels from novice to CABS Level 2 aspirants.

Submit Expression of Interest for Scoring Clinic here.


• Each Club shall supply one scorer for each match in which any team competes.
• Failure to provide a scorer may incur a fine if reported to Baseball SA.
• Be subject to appropriate qualification as the League may from time to time prescribe upon the recommendation of the South Australian Baseball Scorers Association. (Currently this is set at CABS Level 2 for Division 1 games.)

Also, if you are a GameChanger enthusiast, please ensure that you undertake training so that you can score games properly according to the Official Rules of Baseball.

CABS offers two Accreditation Levels for GameChanger:

LEVEL GCR (GameChanger Recorder)
Demonstrate ability to input a game employing the GameChanger app.
At this level, you input the game as scored by the Official Accredited Scorer.

LEVEL GCS (GameChanger Scorer)
• Level 1 accreditation
• Competency in GameChanger

Contact SABSA here for more information or to express your interest in attending.

How to Access BSA 2021-22 Online Games through GameChanger

If you do not have GameChanger follow the link below to get it. Enter your email address and create a password. This is FREE!

Access GameChanger

If you have GameChanger follow the link below to log in. Select the game you want to view, Click on the “STATS” tab the click the “FOLLOW TEAM” button. You will now be able to view “STATS”, “PLAYS” and “RECAP”. You will need to “FOLLOW” every team to see “STATS” for every game.

Access BSA Div 1 Games

BSA Men & Women’s Div 1 and Super League Games Online

Look for the links to the those games under the Stats & Live Games menu item above.

How to Score – Woodville Clinic

Enza and Jo will be hosting a Scoring Clinic for novice and those with some experience in scoring at Woodville Baseball Club starting 6:30pm Monday 13th September. Click here to contact Enza.

Scoring Clinics To be Held

CABS Nationally Accredited scorers from various South Australian clubs will soon be offering training for scorers. Venues will include Golden Grove Central Districts, Goodwood and Woodville Baseball Clubs. Training will also be available via Zoom. Training will be tailored for all levels from novice to CABS Level 2 aspirants.

Submit Expression of Interest for Scoring Clinic here.


• Each Club shall supply one scorer for each match in which any team competes.
• Failure to provide a scorer may incur a fine if reported to Baseball SA.
• Be subject to appropriate qualification as the League may from time to time prescribe upon the recommendation of the South Australian Baseball Scorers Association. (Currently this is set at CABS Level 2 for Division 1 games.)

Also, if you are a GameChanger enthusiast, please ensure that you undertake training so that you can score games properly according to the Official Rules of Baseball.

CABS offers two Accreditation Levels for GameChanger:

LEVEL GCR (GameChanger Recorder)
Demonstrate ability to input a game employing the GameChanger app.
At this level, you input the game as scored by the Official Accredited Scorer.

LEVEL GCS (GameChanger Scorer)
• Level 1 accreditation
• Competency in GameChanger


Super League Baseball Adelaide is back for its fourth year, bringing fast paced, high energy baseball to West Beach this summer from the Northern Marlins, Western Rays and Southern Seahawks.

The nine week, plus Grand Final, competition is set to commence at the end of September and will finish on December 22, 2021.

Wednesday nights at West Beach are set to be action packed with games starting at 7:15pm weekly.

Follow the scoring action on GameChanger with SABSA.

Comment period for Draft Constitution Consultation closed.

A remider that comments/enquiries regarding the SABSA Draft Consitution may be made until 29th July. (see below)

SABSA Draft Constitution Consultation

There are a number of consultation documents available for SABSA members under the “Members Only/My SABSA” menu item above. Please read through the docments and make any comments, suggestions or enquiries on the Consultation Form (NO LONGER MONITORED – Discussion period has ended) available on that page. Comments/enquiries may be made until 29th July. These documents will be updated as comments are addressed.

Vale Jim Manning

Jim was a joy to work with and a much appreciated member of our community. He was a great friend and great announcer that we loved working alongside with. Jim, you will be sorely missed.

It was so great to be scoring with Jim Manning at the first Women’s ABL games.

2021 AGM President’s Report here.

Read President Michael Phillips annual Report he delivered to the 2021 AGM here.

SABSA Draft Consultation for discussion at the AGM

There is a Draft Constitution Issues Paper which may help you work through the Draft Constitution before the AGM available on the website under the “About” menu item above (along with the Draft Constitution) or here: Draft Constitution Issues Paper

SABSA Life Members

Website Security for SABSA

SABSA employs several security programs to keep this website safe for your browsing. This is a summary of Blocked IPs that Wordfence monitored for the period 12/04/2021 to 19/04/2021.

IPCountryBlock Count  Ukraine393  Panama243

Sturt Wins 2nd game in Extra Innings to take Div 1 Championship

Sturt wins game 2 in the three game series, scoring the winning run in the 10 innings on a Sacrifice Fly by Angus Roeger to bring home Terrell Joyce. Stats here

Sturt leading 1-0 in best of 3 games for Div 1 Championship

Sturt took game 1 in the three game series, scoring 12 runs in their 6th innings to finnish 13-1 against Goodwood. Stats here

Goodwood v Sturt for Division 1 Championship

The Goodwood Indians win their BSA Div 1 Final series in two games with 13-4 and 7-1 victories over Henley & Grange Rams at West Lakes.

Here is the final game roundup.

Read Robert Laidlaw’s description of the two finals games.

The Sturt Saints win their BSA Div 1 Final series in two games with 8-6 and 13-3 victories over West Torrens Eagles at Mitcham.

Here is the final game roundup.

Read Robert Laidlaw’s description of the two finals games.

Follow the Grand Final live at “Stats & Live Games” menu above and for all Division 1 games and stats

BSA Secures Bendigo Bank Support for SABSA

Bedigo Bank support for SABSA
Sarah Kelly (BSA General Manager), Matt Tscharke (Bendigo Bank), Michael Phillips (SABSA)

BSA announced a new partnership with Bendigo Bank West Beach & Districts Community Branch which generously donated $2,000 for the provision of new iPads to SABSA to enable live scoring of Division 1 games and assist with ongoing GameChanger and scorers training for state and national tournaments. Read More

CABS Year in Review 2020

Council of Australian Baseball Scorers (CABS) Coordinator Connie Stoyakovich has prepared her annual review. As always, it makes for some interesting reading and is available here: “CABS Year in Review” .

Official Baseball Rules 2020 Arrive!

Official Baseball Rules 2020 cover

Finally got my OBR 2020 books – well, two of the three ordered. Check it out.

(Got the last one recently!)

One slight disappointment…

Compared to my older version, the 2020 book seems to have shrunk considerably!

Compare Official Baseball Rules book 7th Edition and 2020 version

Game Changer Enthusiast?

SABSA is seeking competent Game Changer scorers to assist during the Junior National Showcase in early January. You will be with accredited SABSA scorers and entering games into Game Changer. If you are interested please Contact SABSA below.

Yes, I’m interested – send more info!

Check out the Revised Fixtures

BSA has adjusted the games fixtures after the last Covid-19 break.

Updated Season Schedule

Updated ORS Rule for Scorers

BSA requires scorers to complete Prescribed Point on the Official Results Sheet (ORS) for ALL Players listed on Team Sheets!

Rule 3.5.1 in Local Playing Rules and Conditions

• Pres Points – ALL Players with Prescribed Points MUST be recorded on the ORS exactly as written on the Team Sheet submitted by coaches REGARDLESS if the player participates or not.


Due to rewly imposed Covid-19 Restrictions, Baseball SA will be postponing all competitions and training activities effective from midnight tonight (Monday 16th November 2020, 12am) for a two week period. This includes:

  • SABL Seniors
  • SABL Juniors
  • Super League
  • Little League Select Program
  • High Performance Training
  • Use of the Indoor Training Facility and Gym
  • Use of the West Beach diamond’s
  • SABL Club trainings – Metropolitan and Regional

Updated Hot Weather Policy

BSA has recently updated the Hot Weather Policy. There are particular responsibilities for scorers involving Junior players participating in Senior and Women’s Divisions with regard to noting parental Concent to Play forms.

Please familiarise yourself with the new policy available here: BSA Local Playing Rules and ConditioIns

Interpreting BSA Pitch Limits Protocol

A team forfeited a game for breaching the Pitch Limits protocol when they mis-interpreted this rule from the BSA Local Playing Rules and Conditions

3.14.2 A pitcher reaching their maximum number of pitches in an assignment may complete the batter before being removed from the mound.

The team interpreted this provision as meaning you could breech any “pitching threshold” or “assignment” on the last batter without penalty. This error may have been because in the old days (2 years ago?), a pitching “assignment’ in junior tournaments was designated either Minor, Sub(stantial) or Major with increasing days rest required for each pitching threshold reached. The following chart is from a 2018 NSW document.

Junior Tournament Pitching Limits

It is understandable that this rule could then be interpreted as meaning a pitcher starting a final batter before reaching a pitch count which would require any days rest could exceed that limit without  incurring days rests or other penalty.

However, the provision to exceed – without penalty – a pitching limit is for the ‘daily maximum” pitch count only.

Perhaps the rule could be rewritten as:

3.14.2 A pitcher reaching their daily maximum number of pitches may complete the current batter before being removed from the mound.

New MLB Rules 2020 2021 ?

Don’t hold your breath.

I ordered my printed copy of the Offcial Rules of Baseball over a month nearly 3 months ago…. got this message from Amazon:

We’re awaiting a revised estimate from our supplier, …

Vale Peter Ditrich

SABSA is saddened to hear of the passing of Peter ‘Dodo’ Ditrich.
Peter was a much loved umpire and we’re sure all scorers who had the pleasure of working with him would agree that he always brought a smile to the diamond and the scorers box.
We will certainly miss Peter and his catchphrase ‘If no one else says it, have a fantastic day’. Such a small gesture and comment, but one that had a huge impact.
Vale Peter Ditrich.

” have a fantastic day.”

From BSA: It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of Peter ‘Dodo’ Ditrich.
Dodo has been a much loved and valued member of the baseball community for many years, his umpiring career spanning over 1,300 SABL games. His passion, smile and kind nature on and off the diamond was without parallel.
Our deepest condolences and thoughts are with the Ditrich family at this very difficult time.
In the words of our friend Peter, “If no one else says it, have a fantastic day”
Vale Peter Ditrich.

BSA Season 20-21 Starts Saturday!

The Baseball South Australia 2020-21 baseball season opens this Saturday, 10th October.

Keep in touch with Div 1 scores and live games here: Division 1 Stats and Live Games.

Find all Junior and Senior Competition schedules here: Competition Schedules.

MLB Official Baseball Rules (OBR) 2020 – Changes

There are significant changes to the 2020 OBR.

  1.  For the USA, the DH has been added to National League games.

  2.  All extra innings games in the reglar season will start with a runner on 2nd base. The runner will be the player in the batting order immediately preceding that half-inning’s leadoff hitter (unless that is the pitcher – then the player preceding the pitcher), or a pinch-runner. 

The print edition of the 2020 OBR will be available soon.

Here is an interesting description on the evolution of 19th century baseball rules.

BSA Hot Weather Policy – Scorer’s Responsibilities

When the Heat Policy is enforced, a junior player playing Senior Division 1 or lower or Women’s League MUST have a signed consent form from a parent or guardian submitted to their Club and forwarded to the officiating umpire on the day of play. If the consent form is not provided, the junior player must not participate.
Consent form submission should be noted by the scorer on the Official Results Sheet in the ‘Comments’ section.
The Junior Player Hot Weather Policy Consent Form can be found at Appendix A on the BSA Hot Weather Policy (11/12/2019)

Follow BSA Super League 2020 Here

BSA Super League commences September 23. The link to the games can be found under the ‘Stats’ menu.

Full Super League Schedule here.

ABL New-Look Struture for 20-21 Season

The Adelaide Giants will join an ‘International Conference’ primarily based in New Zealand for the 2020-21 season.

Read the full ABL announcement here.

SABSA Scoring Clinics Underway!

On behalf of SABSA, six experienced and nationally accredited scorers have offered 32 places in various Baseball Scoring Clinics. The first of these clinics will commence on Monday 24th August. Several clinics will use the online platform Zoom for the first time.

There may be opportunities for more scoring clinics later in the season, so keep in touch if you wish to advance your baseball scoring skill.

Click here to enquiry about future scoring training.

Scoring ClinicsUpdate – EIO Closed

SABSA received 31 expressions of interest to attend Scorers Training Clinics.

A draft schedule for clinics and venues will be provide to prospective participants. Their responses will assist to finalise dates and venues. As well, ZOOM Clinics may be offered. SABSA would like to begin Clinics well before the BSA Season commences.

Click here to enquiry about future scoring training.

ABL Schedule Delayed

The Australian Baseball League’s 2020/21 schedule release has been delayed but Baseball Australia chief executive Cam Vale says it is not far away from being locked in.

He expected the schedule would be released within the next two weeks, subject to the decision on the season’s structure and the final touches being applied. Vale said international travel restrictions had caused a significant impact on finalising plans for the upcoming season.”

ABL News 14 Aug 2020
‘The Rundown’ (Subscribe Here)

Scoring ClinicsUpdate

SABSA received 31 expressions of interest to attend Scorers Training Clinics.

A draft schedule for clinics and venues will be provide to prospective participants. Their responses will assist to finalise dates and venues. As well, ZOOM Clinics may be offered. SABSA would like to begin Clinics well before the BSA Season commences.

Click here if you have a Clinic enquiry.

Scoring Clinics

SABSA is seeking expressions of interest from people keen to attending scorers training.

Please register your interest by Friday 7th August 2020.

The number of responses will be used to determine the method of delivery and group sizes. We are considering delivering this training using Zoom but if numbers are large then alternatives may need to be organised.

Click here to register the following information.

  • Your name
  • The club you are affiliated with
  • Level of accreditation you already have (None/Level 1/Level 2)
  • Your scoring experience (i.e. None, number of seasons at Juniors/Age level, CABS accredited Level 1 – Level 2, etc.)

Winter Baseball – Training Opportunity

Winter Ball is a relaxed, friendly competition and provides a good opportunity to investigate scoring.
Come and sit with an accredited scorer for an informal session during a live game!

Request more information or book a session!

SABSA President Report AGM 2020

Click here to read SABSA President AGM Report

BSA Covid19 Infection Control Training

Link to the BSA recommended Covid19 Traing Course

The BSA recommended online course for clubs ‘Covid Officer’ should take less than 30 minutes — even if you view all the suggested videos. You can retake the course until you pass the simple checkbox quiz at the end. And you recieve this wonderfully designed and satisfying Achievement Certificate!

Covid19 InfectionTraining Course Certificate
Covid19 InfectionTraining Course Certificate

AGM Level 3 Revision Scorebook Page

Open the scorebook image required for the Level 3 Revision. You can print (A4, landscape, colour, fit-to-page if necessary) or view online during the Zoom meeting. The Revision questions are here.

Pitch Count – To Tell Or Not?

Local Playing Rules and Conditions concerning policing Pitch Counts was updated 04/02/2020:
4.14.8   The umpire has the authority to police the pitching rule, scorers must not intervene.
What is the “pitching rule” — does this mean scorers should not ‘help’ the umpire call balls and strikes? Is it clear now whether or not scorers should inform the Umpire when senior pitchers are approaching pitching limit ?

Baseball’s most bizarre rule – Why?

Here is a great article from the MLB regarding the Dropped third strike – Strangest baseball rule .

2020 SABSA Online AGM ?

We are investigating holding an Online AGM in June. Stay tuned here and on the SABSA Facebook page for more information!

2020 BSA Scorer of the Year


Enza Henty — 2020 BSA Scorer of the Year

Congratulations to Enza for being selected as BSA’s Scorer of the Year for 2020! Enza contributes not only to her local club (West Torrens) but also to the ABF as a National Tournament Scorer for Juniors/Seniors and to the ABL as Scorer for the Giants. Enza is a highly regarded SABSA member and committee volunteer (currently Secretary and Rules Committee) who is always willing to assist others.


The Board of Baseball SA have convened and unanimously arrived at the following decision to cancel all trainings and games immediately for all Clubs and Affiliations, effectively ending the 19/20 baseball season today.
Read more…

Thank you, Scorers!

Thank you to all volunteer scorers who assisted during the 2019-2020 BSA season at all levels of the game!

Interested in the Game Changer Scoring App?

Find out more about Game Changer here or click here for Nov. 2018 Game Changer Scoring Notes

CABS 2019 in Review

Find out what is happening nationally in baseball scoring.

Click here to read CABS Coordinator Connie Stoyakovich’s Review of 2019.

FB Query on Live Scoring

There was a query on our FB page why so many Golden Grove games seemed to be scored live. Good question. And informative response by SABSA President Michael.

Comes down to availability of volunteers and availability of resources. Scoring both ‘the book’ and ‘live’ at the same time can be a challenge, and there are only a handful of Div 1 scorers that have done the training for this IT program. All games are entered into ‘the system’ in the days following. We weren’t sure of ongoing interest in live scoring during the home/away rounds so our aim this season was to live score at least one game per round, and we’ve been pleased that some weeks it has been possible to have two games scored live.

SABSA 2019-20 BSA Division 1 Live Games Schedule

Vale Fred Halligan

SABSA notes with sadness the passing of Graham “Fred” Halligan, Life Member of BUASA. Please go to the BUASA Facebook page for further details. Our sincere condolences to the Halligan Family.

Graham Halligan

Someone telling you how to score?

No, not a player, a coach or a fan. Those are easily dealt with as long as you know your rules. But what if it’s the other scorer offering advice? Under our Code of Conduct, CABS Accredited Scorers are required to keep abreast of rules and changing techniques of scoring and to share scoring expertise and knowledge with other scorers. Accredited Scorers have spent some time and effort in gaining their national accreditation so there is likely sound reasoning behind any advice offered. Also under our Code of Conduct we are required to be respectful and open to discussion. So use that opportunity. We have all made mistrakes when scoring. That’s one of the reasons it’s good to have two scorers at each game!


SABSA is very appreciative of Baseball South Australia’s support in the development of scorers through the recent provision of an iPad to the association. This will enable further training and practice with the popular GameChanger app.


Visit our FB page for all the latest! Click here to visit

Level 1 & 2 Exams

Good luck to all candidates who undertook written exams on Monday 14th October! And a big thanks to Laura, Kylie, Bev, Sue and Bronny for delivering the training and to the Glenelg Baseball Club for the use of their clubrooms during this training.

Video Errors! Test your Skill

SABSA has contracted Major League Teams to produce some error situations on video for our training purposes. (Not really, they managed to do it without our prompting.) You can watch the videos here and test your scoring acumen! They are also available in the “Resources/Training” link above.

Level 2 scoring clinic

SABSA Level 2 scoring clinic September 2019!

Candidates hard at work!

Increda Bulls 2019 Winter Champions

Watch the 2019 Bulls Grand Final Championship game here with the Increda Bulls victorious over Bulls Deep for the coveted Martin League Trophy. Note the fine umpiring by Kym Smith and asking the scorer “Ready to go?” before the first pitch!

SABSA Level 1 and Level 2 scoring clinics

Clinics started Monday 9 September! See column to your right for general clinic information.

New SABSA Facebook Page

Thanks to Laura and Kylie for organising a Facebook presence for SABSA.

Click here to visit

New working with children checks

From 1 July 2019, people working or volunteering with children in South Australia must, by law, have a valid child-related clearance. Click here for more information.

Scorers Revision 2019

Click here to take the Revision Quiz from the 2019 AGM! These were the topics that seem to create some difficulties for scorers this last year.

SABSA President’s Report 2019

Read Michael Phillips’ 2019 Report delivered to the SABSA AGM.

2019 President’s Report

ORSR Statewide Consultation

The Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing (ORSR) is actively seeking community input to inform three projects which were identified as priorities for this current Strategic Plan cycle. The three priority projects are;

Game On, Getting South Australia Active, The South Australian Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Plan; and The Grants Review.

More information about all three projects can be found on our website at

Wonder why they call it winter ball?

Bull Park at Sturt Baseball Club

ORSR Facilities Survey

The Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing (ORSR) is creating a new plan for infrastructure related to sport and recreation in South Australia.

If you would like to offer your ideas and priorities for future facility provision, please Complete This Survey by May 17, 2019.

2018-19 BSA Scorers of the Year

Lorraine Dunn and Michael Phillips receiving their BSA 2018-19

Congratulations to Lorraine Dunn and Michael Phillips on being selected in the BSA 2018-19 Team of the Year, pictured here receiving their awards from Mark Brougham, Operations Director BSA.

Full Team Listed Here

Sturt Wins 2018-19 Division 1 Championship

Sturt Baseball Club Division 1 Champions for 2018-19 – Final Series games and stats online here!


New Level 3 Scorers

Three SABSA members have recently achieved CABS Level 3 Scorer national accreditation. Pass on your congratulations when you next see Kylie McBain, Laura Mosel and Karryn Przibilla. Also, well done to Michael Phillips and those who assisted them in the Level 3 Clinics.

New CABS Co-ordinator

Connie Stoyakovich

CABS would like to announce and welcome Connie Stoyakovich, who has been chosen as our new Coordinator. Connie comes to us with many years of experience scoring Nationally and Internationally, including as the head scorer and statistician for the Australian Academy Program (MLBAAP) from 2007 to 2014. Connie also held a position of Assistant to the CABS Coordinator for a few years, working with the inaugural coordinator, Paula Kenning.

We would like to thank Lorraine Dunn for all the hard work she has done as Coordinator. Lorraine leaves us with a 13 years service contribution as a Tech Comm and Coordinator. (from CABS Website)

New CABS Technical Commissioner

On completion of Steve Eads’ time as a Technical Commissioner, Jeanette Irwin has accepted her nomination to fill that role, effective immediately.

Thanks so much to Steve for his many years of hard work and innovations and thank you to Jeanette on accepting the appointment.
(from CABS Website)

Lorraine Dunn

Lorraine Dunn recently announced her retirement from her volunteer role as national Co-ordinator for the Council of Australian Baseball Scorers (CABS).
It is timely to recognise her service to the baseball community.


Lorraine previously served as one of the three CABS Technical Commissioners and worked tirelessly to support the CABS aim of cultivating and advancing Australian baseball scoring. She was recognised with Life Membership for her service.

Lorraine has officiated at ABL and Claxton Shield games, National Youth Championships as Tournament Scoring Co-coordinator and scored in countless local and state baseball games. In 2011 Baseball Australia (BA) recognised Lorraine’s contribution over 40 years to Australian baseball when she was named BA Official of the Year at the Diamond Awards Ceremony in Queensland.

Along with husband Danny, Lorraine has been actively involved in the Goodwood Baseball Club and in 2009 was also awarded life membership. Son Matt is a 600+ games Division 1 veteran and their grandchildren now actively participate in the club baseball program.

Lorraine is well known to all Baseball South Australia (BSA) clubs through her previous role as the S.A. Baseball League Operations Co-coordinator. Lorraine served as front of house for the BSA and among other critical tasks managed the arduous responsibility involved in season fixturing for all grades. Lorraine was an early supporter, advocate and facilitator in implementing electronic scoring and statistics compilation for South Australia.

SABSA members know Lorraine as a stalwart champion for due recognition of the important role scorers provide as officials of our beloved game. In serving SABSA in virtually every capacity, Lorraine has assisted many scorers to flourish and become more proficient at what we do. Again, SABSA recognised her service with Life Membership.

We all appreciate Lorraine’s hard work over many years.  We are grateful to her for sharing her experience and providing us with assistance and guidance. We continue to value her support and friendship and wish her and her family the very best.

Ordinary Effort Podcast

MLB and Queensland scorer Connie Stoyakovich has highly recommended “Ordinary Effort Podcast” produced by two scorers in the USA: Read More

2018 Super League Finals Results!

The Super League Grand Final 19th Dec. saw the CRUSHERS (1) vs CARP (0).